Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fwd: About the upcoming spacewalk

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From: "Gary Johnson" <>
Date: November 8, 2013 2:50:06 PM CST
To: "Gary Johnson" <>
Subject: FW: About the upcoming spacewalk



Пресс-служба Роскосмоса


About the upcoming spacewalk by Russian program

08/11/2013 12:18 ::


November 9, 2013 is scheduled 36th scheduled spacewalk by Russian program. Previously, the opening of the exit hatch docking module "Pirs" is scheduled for 18 hours and 40 minutes MSK.

On the outer surface of the International Space Station in spacesuits "Orlan-MK" will work Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazan.

In the five and a half hours of the astronauts will perform the work for the Olympic torch relay, the dismantling of the site "Anchor" with the transfer compartment (PECVD) service module "Zvezda" (SM) and the installation on the remote workstation (BPM) (URM-D RO IV bd SM), install a removable handrail turning to BPM (URM-D IV PO bd SM), dismantling arrietira biaxial platform of guidance (the transport arm lock actuators), disabling monoblock space experiment (CE) "Microwave radiometry" (URM-D II RO bd SM), fixing the wiring harness on the mono block, folding antenna monoblock CE "microwave radiometry" in the bag and lock in the folded position, and conducting photo shoots screen-vacuum thermal insulation (MLI) of the outer surface of the ISS RS (time permitting).

For Oleg Kotov is the fourth spacewalk. Sergei Ryazan spacewalks first time.

Live broadcast of exit Russian cosmonauts into space can be found at the Mission Control Center and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIMash site Roscosmos .

Press Service of the Russian Federal Space Agency






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