Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fwd: [Shuttle/Shuttle Concept Restart] New comment on 21st Century space Transportation system ( Draft).

Thank you Steve.  You made my day too.  It is great to find someone who likes this approach.
Get more people interested,   AND interested in getting the idiot leaders in both parties & WH out of office.


Begin forwarded message:

From: steve <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: November 12, 2013 1:35:02 AM CST
To: bobbygmartin1938@gmail.com
Subject: [Shuttle/Shuttle Concept Restart] New comment on 21st Century space Transportation system ( Draft).

steve has left a new comment on your post "21st Century space Transportation system ( Draft)":

Hi its amazing how simple to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.

DIN 7 | DIN 6325

Posted by steve to Shuttle/Shuttle Concept Restart at November 11, 2013 at 11:35 PM

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