Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fwd: Special NAL Program on Space Shuttle Design History - Nov. 20, 2013

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "Moon, Larry J. (JSC-EA411)" <>
Date: November 7, 2013 3:35:50 PM CST
To: "Moon, Larry J. (JSC-EA411)" <>
Subject: FW: Special NAL Program on Space Shuttle Design History - Nov. 20, 2013

FYI all.,,,,,mark your calendars to attend.


Larry Moon 


-----Original Message-----
From: E. Bob
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 8:40 AM
To: E. Bob
Subject: Special NAL Program on Space Shuttle Design History - Nov. 20, 2013


NAL Members and friends - The special program on the history and genesis of the Space Shuttle System design which had been scheduled for October 22, 2013, and which had to be postponed because of the recent government shutdown, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2013.  The details of this rescheduled special program are as follows:

The JSC Chapter of the NASA Alumni League, in cooperation with the Knowledge Capture Office at JSC, will present an outstanding program on the history and genesis of the Space Shuttle System Design.

This unique event will consist of a panel format, and will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Teague Auditorium (building 2) at JSC.

The panel members are:

Robert F. Thompson,  Initial Shuttle Program Manager Owen Morris,  who managed the Level 2 Systems Engineering and Integration Activity Richard Kohrs, Subsequent Shuttle Program Manager Dr. Hum Mandell,  Shuttle Program Cost Estimation Manager The Panel Moderator will be Wayne Hale, former Flight Director and Shuttle Program Manager, and Vice President of the JSC Chapter of the NAL.

The presentations and discussions will be videotaped and will be available in the library of data maintained by the JSC Knowledge Capture Office for future viewing by JSC and contractor staff.  We also hope to have it available on our web site for NAL members and friends to view, and we will advise you of those arrangements.


The program will focus on the Phase A and Phase B concepts that were studied and how we arrived at the conceptual baseline that we developed during the subsequent design and development phases, and on the management/organizational  approach used during the development phase, and the effectiveness of that management approach. 


Each panelist will speak about an aspect of the Shuttle history and design evolution, followed by interactive discussion between the panelists, and questions and answers from the audience.


JSC will provide special access badges to attendees who do not have a JSC or contractor badge, or an NAL badge. They will be available at the JSC front gate at Building 110.  Be sure to allow time for getting a badge if you do not have one.  If you are not a member of NAL and plan on attending, please send your name to Norman Chaffee so he can pass it along to the JSC Security staff in hopes of speeding up the badging process.


We hope to see you at this interesting and informative program.


Norman Chaffee


NASA Alumni League, JSC Chapter



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