Monday, November 4, 2013

Fwd: This Week in The Space Review - 2013 November 4

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From: (Jeff Foust)
Date: November 4, 2013 2:02:36 PM CST
Subject: This Week in The Space Review - 2013 November 4

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Welcome to this week's issue of The Space Review:

In search of other Earths
Scientists are meeting in California this week for the Second Kepler Science Conference. Jeff Foust reports on some recent discoveries that are bringing astronomers to the goal of the mission: determining how frequent planets like the Earth are in the galaxy.

Re-thinking the National Security Space Strategy: Chinese vs. American perceptions of space deterrence
The current national security space strategy places a priority on the use of deterrence to protect satellites. Christopher Stone argues that China's different concept of "deterrence" could render the Pentagon's strategy ineffective.

Plagiarism in several space history articles
Robert Kennedy and Dwayne Day investigate several serious cases of plagiarism of space history articles by one writer.

Review: GPS Declassified: From Smart Bombs to Smartphones
Satellite navigation systems are, today, almost taken for granted as they're incorporated into many aspects of our life. William Mellberg reviews a book that examines the history of the development of the Global Positioning System and its evolution from a secret military initiative to a modern-day public utility.

If you missed it, here's what we published in our previous issue:

Working in the shadows: Phil Pressel and the Hexagon spy camera
For more than four decades, Phil Pressel could tell no one outside of his co-workers -- not even his wife -- what he did. With that veil of secrecy now lifted, he describes to Roger Guillemette and Dwayne Day his work with the camera on the Hexagon reconnaissance satellite.

A new launch vehicle that lofts, rather that lifts off
Most people associate a launch vehicle with a rocket, but that's not necessarily the case. Jeff Foust reports on a new venture that plans high-altitude passenger balloon flights with a system newly classified as a launch vehicle by the FAA.

Space security: possible options for India
The importance of space-based services and the threats they face have more countries thinking about how to improve space security. Ajey Lele offers some proposals tailored to the space security needs of India.

Review: COMETS!
In the next few weeks, Comet ISON may dazzle the night skies -- or it may fizzle out. Jeff Foust reviews a book that offers a historical overview of our studies of comets as well as tips for observing them.

We appreciate any feedback you may have about these articles as well as
any other questions, comments, or suggestions about The Space Review.
We're also actively soliciting articles to publish in future issues, so
if you have an article or article idea that you think would be of
interest, please email me.

Until next week,

Jeff Foust
Editor, The Space Review
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