Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fwd: We don't need friends of terrorists in Congress

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From: "Michael Rendino" <paul@patriotmessages.com>
Date: May 18, 2021 at 6:00:00 AM CDT
To: Bobby Martin <bobbygmartin1938@gmail.com>
Subject: We don't need friends of terrorists in Congress
Reply-To: paul@patriotmessages.com

I support Israel


I love America, and I support Israel!

Why can't AOC say the same thing? Every time I turn on the news for the last few days, I just hear her bashing Israel or tweeting comments in favor of Hamas terrorists instead of supporting our nation's single most important and steadfast ally.

As a man who served as a New York firefighter on 9/11, I can assure you that the people who planned and funded the attack on America on that horrific day are the same people supporting the terrorists lobbing thousands of missiles at innocent men women, and children in Israel.

They are the same people who cheered when the towers fell. Why is AOC siding with them?

Mike Rendino & RudyMy name is Michael Rendino, and I am the Republican candidate challenging AOC, and now you know why I think she needs to go. If you agree, please donate any amount you can afford, from $5 to the Federal Maximum Amount of $2,900.

AOC and her Squad members share a deep disdain for our friends in Israel and are promoting many anti-Semitic statements as well as a desire to stop providing U.S. aid to Israel.

AOC's open support for terrorists and hatred for the Jewish State must stop, but that won't happen if she and her Squad members remain in Congress. Their hate for Israel has blinded them, and they have convinced far too many members of the Democrat Party to support their ant-America, anti-Israel, pro-BDS agenda.

That makes AOC and her Squad far too dangerous for the national security of this great nation.

If you're FURIOUS like me about AOC's support for terrorists, I need you to help me by donating $1,000, $500, $100, $45, or ANY AMOUNT so that we can remove her from Congress!

Israel is a small nation that has proven why peace through strength makes all the difference, and abandoning them in their hour of need is wrong, but AOC fails to understand. America can't afford leaders who fail to stand by terrorists and condemn our allies.

We cannot allow this to continue. If you love Israel, you need to make an IMMEDIATE donation to my campaign to force AOC out of power.

Future generations are counting on us, and they will be looking at how we respond to this crisis in the days to come! With people like AOC running Congress into the ground and betraying our nation and allies in Israel, what kind of country are we leaving our children?

I won't stand for it, and I hope you won't either. Will you help me defeat AOC?

For security,

Mike Rendino

Mike Rendino
Republican for Congress


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