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From: Revive America USA <>
Date: January 29, 2013 9:27:09 AM GMT-06:00
Subject: Insane: Obama Sells F-16 Fighters to Muslim Brotherhood
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Insanity: Obama Sells F-16 Fighter Jets to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood
Dear Supporter:
I'm not sure if giving twenty F-16 fighter jets to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is impeachable, insane, or just plain stupid. But that's exactly what Barack Obama has done.
It's unthinkable, but it's true.
Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood -- the very same people who burn our flag, storm our embassy, and who's President is a hateful Muslim extremist - 'gets jets'.
No surprise, Obama thinks Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi is a moderate, but you be the judge.
Egypt's President Morsi:
"Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war. This is what these occupiers of the land of Palestine know - these blood-suckers, who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs" (Source: Brietbart).
And here's the salt-in-the-wound, Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood are using OUR tax dollars to buy the F-16's! That's right!
You see, Obama and the Congress send cash infusions of $1.3 billion to Egypt's military every year.
Here's how the New York Times scores it:
"In addition to the $1 billion in assistance, the administration is working with Egypt to provide $375 million in financing and loan guarantees for American financiers who invest in Egypt and a $60 million investment fund for Egyptian businesses. All of that comes on top of $1.3 billion in military aid that the United States provides Egypt each year".
Thankfully, Senator Rand Paul
tied-up Washington in knots last September with an amendment to stop this disgusting use of our tax dollars.
Sen. Rand Paul:
"Not one penny more for Libya or Egypt or Pakistan until they act as our allies. Some say we have to keep sending it. Fine, let's send it when they act as our allies. Let's send it when they start behaving as civilized nations and come to their senses" (Source: NBC News).
Unfortunately, Sen. Paul's fellow Senate Republicans caved to the defense lobby, because selling jets is big business. A 'bi-partisan' 81 - 10-vote defeated Sen. Paul's amendment.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a bipartisan darling in Washington circles, even attacked Sen. Paul.
Sen. Lindsey Graham to the Huffington Post:
"Rand Paul is one nice fellow, but I bet you he's never talked with CIA Director General Petraeus about what would happen if we cut our aid off to Pakistan [, Egypt and Libya]".
And then Sen. Graham hit the campaign trail -- but for the Democrats -- helping Harry Reid keep his senate majority.
In just months, Republican voters will finally get a chance to thank Lindsey Graham.
But what about the F-16s going to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood?
Congress urgently needs to act.
Sen. Rand Paul wants to stop them.
He's proposing a ban on sending F-16 fighter jets to Egypt and other extremist regimes that hate America.
We need to support Senator Rand Paul to the MAX! Help Us Fight This Insanity with a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or $250. Even if you can chip-in $10, it makes a huge difference.
Our advertising has already generated thousands of citizen petitions.
You've probably already seen one of our ads on Facebook.
In fact, nearly 100,000 citizens have already signed Revive America's impeachment petition.
We need to generate even more!
And we need to support conservative heroes like Sen. Rand Paul.
Thank you for allowing us to keep you informed on breaking developments from Capitol Hill.
Yours for America,
Bob Adams
P.S. - Obama's been called many names from both the political 'right' and 'left'. Add one more: totally insane. It's just nuts to give Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood twenty F-16 fighter jets! But that's exactly what Obama has done - and Congress wrote the check with a whopping $1.3 billion of our money! Help Us Support Senator Rand Paul's Ban on Sending F-16s to Egypt and Other Countries that Hate America!
P.P.S. - Our powerful online ads have already generated nearly 100,000 citizen petitions for impeachment. We Want to Generate Even More!
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