Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fwd: Military satellite launched from Baikonur

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From: "Gary Johnson" <gjohnson144@comcast.net>
Date: November 12, 2013 4:50:41 PM CST
To: "Gary Johnson" <gjohnson144@comcast.net>
Subject: FW: Military satellite launched from Baikonur


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From the Baikonur Cosmodrome was successfully launch rocket "Proton-M"

12.11.2013 :: 14:08


November 12 at 3.46 MSK time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome starting calculations of rocket-space industry successfully launched rocket "Proton-M" with the spacecraft for the Ministry of Defence.


At 12.47 MSK spacecraft separated from the upper stage "Breeze-M", was released in geostationary orbit and taken to the accompaniment Forces Aerospace Defense.

Press Service of the Russian Federal Space Agency




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Russian Proton-M Launches Military Satellite

Russia's Proton-M carrier rocket

Russia's Proton-M carrier rocket

© Photo Roskosmos

11:46 12/11/2013

MOSCOW, November 12 (RIA Novosti) – Russia's Proton-M carrier rocket blasted off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan carrying a military satellite early Tuesday, a spokesman for Russia's aerospace defense troops said.

The Raduga-1M satellite was expected to reach its orbit about nine hours after liftoff, Col. Dmitry Zenin said.

Raduga-1M, codenamed Globus-1M, is a third-generation military communications satellite designed to ensure stable communications with mobile stations, including hard-to-reach mountainous regions.

Proton rockets are to take two telecommunications satellites into orbit this year – the Inmarsat-5 F1 and Express-AM5. The launches are due to take place on December 8 and December 26, respectively.


© 2013 RIA Novosti




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November 12, 2013 14:05

Military satellite launched from Baikonur reaches target orbit

MOSCOW. Nov 12 (Interfax-AVN) - The military satellite launched from the Baikonur Space Center early on Tuesday morning has separated from the Briz-M stage, a source from the Russian Defense Ministry told Interfax-AVN.

"The satellite reached its target orbit and was passed to the control of the Aerospace Defense Forces," Aerospace Defense Forces spokesman Col. Dmitry Zenin told reporters.

The satellite was due to have a circular orbit at an altitude of approximately 36,000 kilometers.

Aerospace Defense Forces Commander Maj. Gen. Alexander Golovko personally controlled preparations for the launch of a Proton-M rocket carrying the military communication satellite at the Baikonur Space Center.

Open sources reported the launch of a Raduga-1M (military reporting name Globus-1M) military communication satellite. The product of the Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems based in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk territory, will transmit communication data in L, C, X and Ka bands. This is the third satellite of a modernized series.

The previous Proton-M mission was conducted in late October. The rocket placed the Sirius-FM6 U.S. radio satellite into orbit.

The launch of the military satellite was the eighth Proton mission in 2013 and 391st in the entire history of the launch vehicle. It was also the third Proton launch after the accident of July 2, when three Glonass-M satellites were lost.

Te cm


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Proton rocket lifts off with Russian military payload

November 11, 2013
Updated: 2355 GMT

A Russian military communications satellite is taking a nine-hour ride to orbit overnight Monday after a smooth liftoff aboard a Proton rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The payload is heading for a precise delivery to a 22,300-mile-high orbit by the launcher's Breeze M upper stage.

Photo of the Proton rocket on the launch pad with the third Raduga 1M satellite. Credit: Roscosmos
Russia's third Raduga 1M communications satellite blasted off at 2346 GMT (6:46 p.m. EST) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, according to the RIA Novosti news agency. Nine hours later, the Proton's Breeze M upper stage is expected to release the payload into an orbit reaching geostationary altitude, the height where a satellite appears suspended over a fixed location on Earth.

The Raduga 1M satellite will be positioned in geostationary orbit for its communications mission, but the craft's exact capabilities, life expectancy and final operating location are being kept secret by the Russian military.

The modernized Raduga, or Globus, communications satellites are designed to link Russian troops and senior military commanders. The spacecraft can relay messages through small mobile terminals deployed on the battlefield, according to Russian defense officials.

The satellites are built by ISS Reshetnev, a Russian space contractor.

The Raduga system is also used for strategic communications among high-level Russian government officials.

The launch will be the eighth Proton mission of the year and the 391st Proton flight since 1965.

It will be the third Proton launch, and the first for a Russian government customer, since a Proton rocket tumbled out of control immediately after liftoff with three Russian navigation satellites in July.

The commercial payload for the Proton's next launch in early December arrived at the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Monday. The Inmarsat 5 F1 communications satellite, built by Boeing Satellite Systems International Inc. in El Segundo, Calif., flew from the United States to Baikonur aboard an Antonov An-124 transport plane, London-based Inmarsat announced Monday.

The spacecraft will inaugurate Inmarsat's Global Xpress superfast Ka-band broadband service. Two more satellites will launch on Proton rockets in 2014 to expand the reach of Global Xpress worldwide.

Commercial Proton launches are managed by U.S.-based International Launch Services.  


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