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This Week in The Space Review - 2016 March 28
This Week in The Space Review
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This Week in The Space Review
March 28, 2016
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Even after Apollo 11 successfully landed men on the Moon, ending the Moon race, the Soviet Union continued to develop its N-1 rocket for several years. Dwayne Day examines how the US monitored those activities using a new generation of reconnaissance satellites.
Big Bird and the Big Mother: US intelligence community monitoring of the Soviet lunar program after Apollo
InSight's second chance
A NASA mission to land on Mars was supposed to launch this month, but problems with an instrument cancelled those plans. Jeff Foust reports on plans to fix the problem and launch the mission in 2018, although with cost impacts that could affect other missions.
ExoMars: a long awaited reboot of the Russian planetary program
Earlier this month, a Russian Proton rocket launched the ExoMars mission, a joint venture with Europe. Svetoslav Alexandrov discusses how ExoMars is revitalizing Russia's Mars exploration plans, although not in a way all Russian space enthusiasts support.
Improving South Asian space cooperation
Pakistan recently rejected a proposal by India to provide a communications satellite to help a group of South Asian nations. Vidya Sagar Reddy examines what India should do to better promote space cooperation among its neighbors in the region.
Review: Blue Gemini
What might have happened if the Air Force had continued its manned space program in the 1960s? David Johnston reviews a novel that offers a credible alternative history of those efforts.
We appreciate any feedback you may have about these articles as well as any other questions, comments, or suggestions about The Space Review. We're also actively soliciting articles to publish in future issues, so if you have an article or article idea that you think would be of interest, please email me.
Until next week,
Jeff Foust
Editor, The Space Review
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