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Date: June 4, 2018 at 8:04:55 AM CDT
Subject: The U.S. Space Force - Aim Higher
June 4, 2018Launchspace Training
U.S. Space ForceAim Higher(Launchspace Staff Writers)Bethesda, MD - The concept of a U.S. Space Force seems to be in vogue at this time. The President mentioned it last month in a speech at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego. He claimed this was not a serious comment, but the subject is very serious because the Pentagon is gearing up for possible space combat scenarios. In addition, Rep. Mike Rogers, of Alabama, has been promoting the concept for some time.Over the last several years the space domain has been getting very congested and contested by multiple not-so-friendly adversaries. Most people think space is big, but it is getting "smaller" very quickly. Department of Defense leaders want faster development of offensive weapons and combat tactics, starting with protection of the most expensive and vulnerable U.S. spy assets.The U.S. is already being threatened in space, and without credible countermeasures or offensive responses. Fortunately, it is "peacetime" in space and no actual combat is taking place right now. However, this situation could change at any time and the U.S. could loss key space assets very quickly. In fact, if a war were to break out, these could be the first casualties.Given the growing competition in space and adversarial friction with China, Russia and other upcoming state actors, the potential for war in space is becoming a more serious consideration. The U.S. is not reacting fast enough to positively deter or deal with this eventuality.Maybe a dedicated Space Force with the latest defensive and offensive equipment and methods is what is needed, and needed now on a permanent basis.____________________________________________________________________________Featured new short course - available for customized presentation at your facilityContact Launchspace for a quote: info@launchspace.comLaunch Vehicle and Spacecraft Acoustic Testing and AnalysisDURATION: THREE DAYS
COURSE NO.: 1050LOCATION: YOUR FACILITYCOURSE SUMMARYOne of the major design challenges on many spacecraft is addressing the structural response to acoustic loads coming from launch vehicle rocket motors. Spacecraft and payloads of the launch vehicles can be damaged or suffer performance degradation due to these acoustic loads. The emphasis of the course is on the logical flow from the measurement or estimation of the launch vehicle acoustic environment through having a spacecraft that is fully qualified and acceptance tested for flight.COURSE MATERIALS:Each attendee will receive a CD copy of the PowerPoint presentation and a printed set of course materials. Included in the PowerPoint presentation are hyperlinks to reference material which the student can use to research specialized areas of interest, if desired.WHO SHOULD ATTEND:This course is designed for engineers, test personnel and managers who want to improve their understanding of state-of-the-art vibroacoustic phenomena, testing techniques, acoustic test facility design and prediction methods.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:How to plan a test program to fully qualify a flight spacecraft for acoustic loads. Key spacecraft acoustic testing rules-of-thumb and sanity checks. Acoustic sound pressure theory for reverberant and non-reverberant (direct) acoustic testing. Differences between launch and ground test acoustics. Acoustic test facility design considerations. The use of acoustic test data to support analytical model validation and spacecraft component random vibration test spectra.COURSE OUTLINE:1. Introduction to Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft Acoustic Testing and AnalysisOutline. Overall flow of processes and activities. Launch and flight acoustics considerations.2. Acoustic Sound Pressure Theory and TerminologySound pressure measurement, propagation, reflection and absorption. Properties of sound waves.3. Launch and Flight AcousticsSources of sound pressure. Acoustic events during launch and ascent. Measurement of basic lift-off and ascent acoustic environments. Estimation of acoustic test spectra based on measured launch data. Estimation of acoustic test spectra based on ground testing.4. Types of Spacecraft Acoustic TestingTechnical, schedule and cost aspects of non-reverberant (direct) and reverberant acoustic testing.5. Acoustic Test Technical ParametersSound pressure level, frequency bandwidth, damping, coupling loss factors and reverberation time.6. Acoustic Test Facility Design, Capabilities and ChallengesAcoustic test facility schematics. Acoustic chamber design considerations. Sound pressure generation including vaporizers, transducers, horns and loud speakers. Modal density. Instrumentation for acoustic testing. Safety considerations. Communications.7. System Level Spacecraft Acoustic TestAcoustic testing philosophies, methods and requirements. Acoustic test control. Data processing during acoustic testing. Acoustic test management, personnel and requirements. Sources of errors in spacecraft acoustic testing and error Mitigation. Acoustic test plans, specifications, procedures and reports.8. Avoiding Acoustics-Caused ProblemsHow spacecraft modes respond to acoustic environments. Avoiding problems caused by vibro-acoustic responses during ground testing. Payload fill effects. Differences between launch/flight and test acoustics. Acoustic problems generated during spacecraft launch and ascent.9. Analytical Prediction of Acoustics and Vibro-Acoustic ResponseGeneral overview of statistical energy analysis and finite element and boundary element methods. Estimation of spacecraft component random vibration using empirical methods. Use of test data to support analytical modeling.Instructor: James M. Haughton, BSME, PEJim Haughton is a structural test engineer with over 30 years experience in structural testing of aerospace hardware. He specializes in mechanical launch environment analysis, acoustic, vibration and modal survey testing on spacecraft. His aerospace work has been primarily through the Naval Research Laboratory's Naval Center for Space Technology and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He is also currently supporting the design review effort for the NASA Plumbrook VTC. He has a BSME degree from Manhattan College, Bronx, N.Y. and he has been the President of, and Structural Test Engineer for, Kinetic Research Corp since 1985.______________________________________________________________________Got One of These?Launchspace Training personnel have been providing special short courses to the spacecommunity since 1970. Early in his career, Dr. Marshall H. Kaplan realized that space professionals had limited resources in advancing their own space-related knowledge base and on-the-job training options. Over the last few decades this company has created and delivered hundreds of focused courses to thousands of engineers, managers and support personnel in the space community. All training subject matter and supporting materials are designed to increase knowledge and improve productivity associated with space technologies, systems and operations. These topics are not offered in a university setting.
Over the past 20 years, Launchspace has been offering company-specific courses that are tailored to the requirements of any given company to train its own personnel. These courses are presented on-site by experts in the particular subject areas. Such offerings have proven to be very cost-effective and efficient. Every major space organization in North America and Europe has taken advantage of Launchspace's Training programs. This includes government agencies such as NASA, USAF and several other offices of the Department of Defense.Course topics cover almost every aspect of space flight from launch vehicle technologies to orbital mechanics to spacecraft design. Our customized courses are offered at client locations in support of mission requirements and to expand the expertise of professional staff members. In addition, a few high-demand public classes are presented for open registration at selected conference locations. Contact us to discuss a customized training program for your professionals:See our website for a partial listing of possible course offerings www.launchspace.com_______________________________________________________________________________________________LAUNCHSPACE is an educational and consulting organization dedicated to training and continuing education for space professionals and to supporting the space community.We offer the largest array of customized client-site courses to government agencies and industry, and a full spectrum of technical and management expertise in support of space programs. Click on to sign up to receive our weekly articles of timely space events and advances. Also, see our extensive catalog of course offerings. Any of these can be customized for your needs, or we can create a new course for you.Through our training programs we have helped thousands of engineers and managers become more productive in their careers. Our courses and programs are unique and tailored to our clients' needs. We focus on critical skills in all areas of spaceflight, spacecraft and launch systems.Our consulting activities include technical innovation, problem solving, program management, proposal development, systems engineering and litigation expertise. We have been involved with many major space programs over the past 40 years. Our experts span the full spectrum of space challenge areas. We are available to address your needs now and in the future.Please contact us for more information about our services at info@launchspace.comor +
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