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Date: June 14, 2013 5:55:07 PM GMT-06:00
Subject: A fond farwell | FairTax Friday
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"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." – Richard Buckminster Fuller
A Fond Farewell
Yesterday, we said good-bye to our founder, co-chairman and CEO Leo Edward Linbeck, Jr. (1934-2013). Over the past years, I have been blessed to meet and/or work with a number of distinguished individuals including Governors, Senators, CEO's, President Reagan, and Mother Teresa. Leo Linbeck, Jr. stands front and center; not only for what he has done for the FairTax®, but for the principles with which he led his life.
I asked him one time if he felt like tort reform or the FairTax would be his legacy. Without a moment's hesitation he said in earnest, "Cindy, my legacy is my faith in God and my family-period." He was right. That is what I witnessed from him for two great years. Leo's life and every action he took were clearly guided by the teachings of Christ, and his strength and motivation came from the unending love and joy he drew from his family.
Every meeting I had with Leo was a lesson. He was a teacher. He took the time to always impart knowledge, context and understanding. The most important lesson I learned from him, however, was one that he demonstrated by action not word. In fighting the good fight for the FairTax, there were naturally many who opposed his ideas and decisions. Most people would at one time or another, be tempted to at least utter a few choice words under their breath – or more. Not once did Leo ever say a word of anger or unkindness against or about anyone who opposed him, his ideas or the FairTax. His demeanor and words were unequivocally that of a humble gentleman – a true statesman.
For 20 years, Leo worked voraciously to educate the American people and Congress about the destructive nature of the income tax and the IRS. He was an engineer by education and a builder by trade. Leo built a new model for taxation in America. He built the FairTax® Plan.
Leo fought the good fight - his battle is done. I hope you will join me in continuing his fight, to ensure that his dream of simple, fair and transparent taxation for every American will soon become reality? Here's to Leo!
National TV Ads
We have been calling for an end to the IRS for 20 years. Now is the time to make it happen! The IRS has finally been exposed for all to see as the abusive, intrusive, out-of-control political weapon it really is. TV, radio and Internet news outlets are now delivering that message to the American people every day.
We are seizing this unprecedented opportunity to launch a national ad campaign to "End the IRS." Fortune favors the bold and our bold campaign takes advantage of the daily drumbeat of headlines to build awareness and support for our movement. You can see the ad right here, right now – and on the Fox News Channel.
New House Co-Sponsors
This was a great week for HR 25 in the U.S. House. Two members of Congress, Rep. Ann Wagner (MO-2) and Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-5), joined Rep. Rob Woodall as co-sponsors of HR 25, "The FairTax Act of 2013." Congratulations to our MO and AZ FairTax teams. With these two additions, we now have 66 co-sponsors in the House and 7 in the Senate.
Until next week,
Cindy Canevaro
National Campaign Manager
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The FairTax Act In The News
Fair Tax group launches 'End the IRS' ads – Washington Post
A group advocating for a flat sales tax is going up with a new nationwide ad buy urging members of Congress to abolish the IRS.
Americans for Fair Taxation, a group headed by wealthy super PAC donor Leo Linbeck III, will launch the ads Monday. The ad buy is in the mid-six-figures, according to the group.
"Our best chance ever to shutter the IRS is now," the ad concludes, urging people to visit the Web site and call an 800 number to join the effort.
Americans for Fair Taxation is a group devoted to enacting the Fair Tax — a measure that would replace the current tax code with a flat, 23 percent sales tax. The ad campaign, though, doesn't push for a specific solution once the IRS is abolished.
Video: Fair Tax group makes argument handed to it on silver platter by IRS – Hot Air
The Fair Tax didn't get a lot of support in two different presidential-primary cycles. Mike Huckabee tried to win the Republican nomination on the Fair Tax platform in 2008, and Herman Cain tried again in the 2012 cycle with a modified approach to it in his 9-9-9 plan. It didn't have enough political juice to create momentum for either candidate — but that was before the exposure of political corruption at the IRS reaching all the way to its headquarters in Washington DC. Suddenly, any plan that eliminates the IRS looks better, and Americans for Fair Taxation strikes while the iron is hot:
Understanding The FairTax Webinar
With June's Special Topic: Scorecard: Where we stand with cosponsors and overall grassroots support
When: Thursday, June 27, 2013
Time: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific
Where: At your personal computer, anywhere!
Why: To provide an interactive forum for people who cannot get to local meetings to learn about the FairTax and to present special topics that are frequently misunderstood or not generally discussed.
Who: Special Guest Kerry Bowers, Nevada State Director for will be your host
Join: To participate, register here and watch for the confirmation email. For more information contact Larry Walters at
Featured Video:
Ways to Engage:- Engage and get updates on Facebook
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FairTax Fact:
The FairTax is non-partisan legislation to replace federal income and payroll taxes with a progressive, national, retail sales tax.
Featured Paper:
FairTax (real reform) vs. the flat tax (more of the same)
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Americans for Fair Taxation, Essex Lane Suite #328, Houston, Texas 77027
1-877-FAIRTAX (324-7829)
Paid for by Americans for Fair TaxationAmericans For Fair Taxation is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. One provision in the 70,000+ pages of the federal tax code makes investments in your non-profit FairTax organization non-deductible. If you would like to send a check or credit card contribution by mail .
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