Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fwd: Keep the Pressure On

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From: Tea Party Patriots <>
Date: October 2, 2013 9:17:00 AM GMT-06:00
To: <>
Subject: Keep the Pressure On
Reply-To: Tea Party Patriots <>

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Keep the Pressure On

Patriots, we are at a critical moment in our history. We find ourselves in the situation we are in because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Barack Obama refuse to compromise on their prized piece of legislation. Even though the Affordable Care Act - Obamacare - is destroying jobs, reducing hours, causing people to lose their doctors, their insurance, and see rising health insurance premiums, the President and Harry Reid want to continue to place the burden on hard working American people. They were so unwilling to bend that they forced the government to shut down.

This isn't what we wanted. The House of Representatives is supposed to most closely reflect the will of the people. Even though we believe that Obamacare is going to be so detrimental the entire law should be repealed, the House has compromised, but they have put up a fight and now is not the time to back down.

The President and Harry Reid have drawn their line in the sand. This government shut down is on them. Now it's time to encourage the House Leadership and your members to draw their line in the sand and hold firm. They represent us, the people, and it is their duty to reflect our will.

Call Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, Pete Sessions, and your own Representative and encourage them to hold the line. Tell them to keep fighting until we rid ourselves of this disastrous law that is Obamacare. We can't say it enough. This law is already wreaking havoc and it hasn't even been fully implemented yet. And if the President is going to waive mandates for big businesses and create special exemptions for Members of Congress, then the American people should be treated the same. Call Now!

Speaker John Boehner

Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy

Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions

Call Your Senators and Representative today and tell them to start listening. Obamacare isn't good enough for big business, big labor, or Congress, so it isn't good enough for the American people!
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Time Line of Continuing Resolution Debate:
Friday, 9/20/13 - The House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution that would fully fund the government (including things that Republicans don't like) while at the same time defunding Obamacare.
Result: House Republicans compromised on spending that we'd like to see cut in exchange for defunding Obamacare.

Friday, 9/27/13 - The Senate stripped the defunding language out of the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise.

Saturday, 9/28/13 - The House of Representatives added two amendments to the Senate revised Continuing Resolution to delay Obamacare for one year (far from what we were originally willing to agree to) and repeal the medical device tax.
Result: House Republicans compromised away from defunding to delaying Obamacare for one year.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The Senate stripped the two amendments from the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refuse to compromise one inch on Obamacare.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The House of Representatives responded by adding language to the Continuing Resolution to delay the individual mandate for a year and to take away the health care subsidies Members of Congress and their staffs received from the Office of Personnel Management ruling earlier this year. 
Result: House Republicans compromised away from delaying Obamacare for one year to delaying the individual mandate for a year and requiring that Congress live under Obamacare just like the rest of the American people.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The Senate voted to table the House passed continuing resolution.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise

Monday, 9/30/13 - The House appointed conferees and sent a message to the Senate requesting a conference meeting to resolve their differences.
Result: House Republicans were still willing to compromise and reach a solution.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - Midnight - No Deal is reach and a temporary shut down begins.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - The Senate votes to table the House's request for a conference to resolve differences.
Result: Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats refused to compromise

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - House of Representatives moves to start passing single authorization appropriation bills that need 2/3rds majority in the House for passage.
Result: House Democrats refuse to compromise on paying Veterans Assistance, National Park Service, and Washington, DC Operations.

-Tea Party Patriots National Support Team
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2013
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive
Ste 620-322
Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

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