Sunday, November 10, 2013

Remembering American PREEMINENCE in Health, Energy, Overall Business Operations, Space Capabilities

Manned Space operations from Mercury through Shuttle contributed significantly to technological development, & to dreams of our youth.  We spent a large sum of funds plus many thousands of man-hours developing the shuttle, Manned Manuevering Unit, Remote Manipulator  System, airlocks , extra vehiclular mobility unit ( emu) & just TRASHED it.  There is zero logic here.
Just as the present policies in health, energy, etc. are illogical as space policies are, we must get the handouts for all, anti business approach ,  anti leadership approach rectified.

Our trashing these very capable systems is nonsensical to the Chinese & Russians.  The majority of our experts opposed this scrapping of our capability.  Why did they oppose this trashing our capabilities?  I submit the answer is obvious.
Space capability is critical to the survival of the USA.

Supposedly 60 percent of USA citizens "liked" the shuttle as the various orbiters we flown to museums.  They better get busy influencing Congress or there may not be another chance for the USA .

It is just plain IGNORANT & Dangerous to manage our space policy in this manner.
After all the USA was the leader in space & we must continue to be The Undisputed leader!!

The Nelson CSS plan will accomplish this in near earth & Beyond EO..  It is summarized below.

Space Transportation for the 21stCentury

Developed by Concerned American Aerospace Engineers

Coordinated by Nelson Aerospace Consulting

Executive Summary

Sustainable and affordable space transportation for the 21st century must be based on commercially operated reusable launch and space based vehicles. These vehicles will be designed to support near earth requirements, provide the capability for deep space exploration, and support Earth's need to obtain deep space resources. This requires a space transportation system that has the capability to return commercial quantities of near-earth and deep space resources to the Earth's surface…a commercial space shuttle.

The Commercial space Shuttle (CSS) will reduce shuttle operational launch cost to $205 million and have the capability to deploy and return payloads of 15 metric tons. The shuttle will be autonomously operated and use the orbiter airframe, external tank, and SRM boosters. Crews will be flown only on missions requiring their transfer to space based vehicles and they will be provided escape pods. Pad assembly of the shuttle will reduce operations cost and turnaround time. Rapid turn-around is a unique CSS feature which permits support of the USAF requirement and provide; the capability for timely intercepts of asteroids/comets that may impact earth.

The following chart shows the launch cost breakdown of the NASA space shuttle and the expected cost reductions for the CSS.

I urge those who support a USA preeminence in space, to get active encouraging support to space programs by our representatives in House/Senate .  You must get your friends / theirs to get active getting the word out.

USA preeminence is critical to our security .

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